Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thought I had it all figured out, but for once in my life I don't know what's next...

So today as I am packing to move out of my place, and continue on the excitement of finally getting out of MI, my world came crashing down. I had learned that my housing was no longer going to work out due to a few situations. I just sat on the couch for about 3 hours staring at the TV, not even really watching. Trying to figure out this plan, and what God was trying to tell me. I ended up crying, and just feeling like I had nothing. Then I wiped up the tears and figure, what can I do about it NOTHING! This obviously is not the plan for me. I decided I will just have to stay at my parents, and figure it out from there.

I had an interview Friday that went really well, and I decided I will call them in the morning. It was a great company, and I would have loved to work there if I was still here. I was also told if I ever moved back to the area to look them up by the person interviewing me. So, I am calling him first thing in the morning!!!

I will figure out this plan, but it is killing me the longer it takes. Thank God I have faith!!!!

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